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narrow market中文是什么意思

用"narrow market"造句"narrow market"怎么读"narrow market" in a sentence


  • 呆滞的市场
  • 交易量少的市场
  • 清淡市场
  • 狭窄市场呆滞市场
  • "narrow"中文翻译    adj. 1.狭,窄,狭隘的,狭小的 (opp. bro ...
  • "market"中文翻译    n. 1.(尤指牲畜和食品的)集市;市场;菜市,菜场。 ...
  • "narrow" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.狭,窄,狭隘的,狭小的 (opp. broad, wide)。 2.有限的,受限制的;有偏见的,气量小的,心眼儿窄的;眼光短浅的。 3.仅仅的,勉强的。 4. (资力)薄弱的,贫穷的;〔英方, Scot.〕 吝啬的,小气的。 5.精细的,严密的。 6.【语言学】窄音的。 7.(空气)缺乏的。 have a narrow circle of friends 交际不广。 in a narrow sense 狭义的。 narrow cloth (52英寸以内的)窄幅布。 a narrow mind 小心眼儿,小气量。 a narrow victory 勉强胜利。 a narrow majority 勉强的多数。 a narrow examination 严格的检查。 narrow circumstances [means] 穷困。 narrow market 呆滞的市场。 narrow vowels 窄母音。 within narrow bounds 在小范围内。 have a narrow escape [shave, squeak] 九死一生。 the narrow bed [cell, house] 坟墓。 the narrow way 正直;正义。 n. 1.〔常作 pl.〕海峡,峡谷。 2.(场所、物品等的)狭窄部分。 the Narrows 1. 达达尼尔海峡的最狭窄处。 2. 美国纽约 Staten Islands 和 Long Islands 之间的海峡。 vt. 1.使狭,弄窄,收缩。 2.限制,缩小。 narrow an argument down 限制争论的范围。 vi. 变狭,变窄;【编织】收小。 n. -ness 狭窄,狭小;偏狭;穷困。
  • "at market" 中文翻译 :    按市值; 市价法
  • "at the market" 中文翻译 :    按市场价执行所指令; 第9章在市场上; 在市场里; 照 市价; 照市价
  • "at-the-market" 中文翻译 :    按市价
  • "be on the market" 中文翻译 :    被供应出售
  • "in a market" 中文翻译 :    在市场上出售
  • "in the market" 中文翻译 :    在街上,还未买; 在市场上
  • "in the market for" 中文翻译 :    想买,积极物色; 要买或卖
  • "in this market" 中文翻译 :    在本地市场
  • "market" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.(尤指牲畜和食品的)集市;市场;菜市,菜场。 2.需要,销路;推销地区。 3.市价;行情,市面,市况。 4.〔美国〕食品店;〔英国〕【法律】公共市场设置权。 a cotton [stock] market棉花[股票]市场。 There is no market for that class of goods here. 那一类货物这里不需要[无销路]。 The market rose [fell] 行情俏拔[疲落]。 a sick market萧条的市面。 a swimming market 兴旺的市面。 The market is dull. 市面呆滞。 at the market照市价。 be on the long side of the market把持物品或证券以待涨价时出卖;做多头,买进期货。 bring one's eggs [hogs, goods] to the wrong [a bad] market失策,失算,失误。 bring to market= put [place] on the market出售。 bull the market(多头)大量抢购,买涨,哄买。 come into the market上市。 corner the market囤积居奇,大量买进股票[商品]使价格上涨。 engross [forestall] the market垄断市场。 feed to market 为出售而养肥(家畜等)。 find a market 找着销路。 go badly to market买[卖]吃亏。 go to market 上市场买东西;〔口语〕筹办,企图。 hold the market 垄断市场,囤积居奇。 in market 在买卖中。 in the market拿去卖;正要出售。 in the market for (某人)想买,要买。 lose one's market放过(买卖)良机。 make a market【股票】在交易所中故意买卖某企业股票,制造兴旺气象;煽动市面。 make a [one's] market of 利用,利用…赚钱,把…当做摇钱树。 make one's market 出售存货。 mar another's [one's] market搞垮别人[自己]买卖。 mend one's market改进买卖情况。 overrun one's market 因不肯脱手失去出售时机。 overstand one's market 讨价过高失去出售良机。 play the market 〔美国〕做投机买卖。 raid the market 〔口语〕使行情发生波动。 raise the market upon 〔口语〕向…要高价。 rig the market 〔口语〕操纵市场;捣乱市价。 vi. 在市场买卖,作买卖,卖,买。 vt. 在市场上出售;把…拿到市场去卖。
  • "no market" 中文翻译 :    无销路
  • "no market for" 中文翻译 :    货不通过; 货不通行, 无销路
  • "on the market" 中文翻译 :    表示场所或地点; 在市场上
  • "to market" 中文翻译 :    去市场; 上市场
  • "narrow-narrow gate" 中文翻译 :    超窄选通脉冲
  • "market-to-market" 中文翻译 :    逐日盯市”制度
  • "to market to market" 中文翻译 :    前进市场
  • "a narrow alley" 中文翻译 :    狭窄的胡同
  • "a narrow corridor" 中文翻译 :    狭窄的走廊
  • "a narrow escape" 中文翻译 :    仇中仇; 侥幸逃脱; 死里逃生,九死一生
  • "a narrow forehead" 中文翻译 :    窄小的额头
  • "a narrow squeak" 中文翻译 :    好险; 侥幸的脱险; 九死一生的脱险, 勉强的成功
  • "a narrow swale" 中文翻译 :    狭长的洼地


  • The focused cost leadership stratety , as the words suggest , the cost leadership is focused on a narrow market segment
  • Since china has a narrow market experience compared with the western countries , its many strategies cannot be explained with the common theory of the enterprise
  • Even in a narrow market or in a market that is moving 1 to 3 ? per day , if you keep an hourly high and low chart , you will see the value of it in getting a quick change in trend
    在一个平稳窄幅波动或者每天只波动1 3美分的市场中,如果你记录有每小时高低点图表,你就能在趋势中的看到价格的快速变化。
  • The goal of innovation is to avoid or decrease the repeated competition , realize the orderd and narrow market subdividing . the basic goal is also to gain the maximal economic and social benefit
  • During the 13 years , under the effect of all staff members the company grows from nothing to something , from small to large , from weak to strong , from single business to diverse industries , from narrow markets to wide markets , from silence to brand effect . each step is related to the staff s high intelligence and adventure spirits
  • After the transfer , the enterprises cannot adapt to the changes in a long time , which reflects in the following aspects : the size of the enterprises is relatively small , with weak competitive power ; the structure of products is single and it is hard to develop new products , the enterprises cover a narrow market and have weak power to widen it ; the enterprises have rigid systems and mechanisms ; the enterprises get big deficit and low economic efficiency ; the management departments divert quickly leading to lots of contradictions ; the ideas of management lag behind time
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